プラグの色による演出で笑いを誘いつつ、電気の生成・使用に伴う痛みを視覚化したシリーズ作品。2011年以降、国内外のアートフェアや各種展覧会に出品。2013年12月、製品版を発売。制作:2011年 -
An art product which answers to people's dormant desire of "I want to put a plug up my nose".
Inducing laughter by presenting plugs in different colors, this series also depicts visually the pain which accompanies generating and using electricity. Since 2011, displaying in art fairs and various exhibitions both domestically and internationally. Product launched sales in December 2013. Created: 2011-

Art works

An art product which answers to people's dormant desire of "I want to put a plug up my nose". Inducing laughter by presenting plugs in different colors, this series also depicts visually the pain which accompanies generating and using electricity. Here we introduce a few examples of displays in domestic and international art fairs and various exhibitions.


HANAGA TAP -鼻型コンセントタップ-
プラグから突き出す2本の突起と、ひくつく2つの鼻の穴…誰もがこの関係に一度は気づき、鼻にプラグを差し込みたい衝動にかられるものです(例えそれが無意識だとしても)。「HANAGA TAP」は、そんな人々の潜在的願望を叶える夢のプロダクトです。 
発売:2013年12月 販売元:アルチザンデザインスタジオ

-Nose shaped outlet tap- / *Only sold in Japan
2 projections that stick out of the plug, and 2 nose holes that attract... At least once any person would have realized this relationship, and feel the urge to stick a plug up one's nose (whether it be involuntarily or not). "HANAGA TAP" is a dream product that answers to such people's dormant desire. On sale: December, 2013